Experience the mediaeval charm of Glorenza and find out more about the attractions in the smallest town in South Tirol.
Hotel Garni B&B Glurnserhof des
Angerer Kurt
Bischof-Josef-Gasser-Strasse 4
I-39020 Glurns (BZ)
Tel.: +39 0473 831 607
E-Mail info@glurnserhof.com
WhatsApp: https://wa.me/393899531238
Facebook: https://fb.com/Glurnserhof
MwSt.Nr 02293610214
Pec-Mail kurt.angerer@pec.it
Steuer Nr. NGRKRT72B12I729O
Banc coordinations
Cassa di Risparmio Prato allo Stelvio
IBAN: IT18H0604558720000005001327
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